Sat Yuga Life

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Detox With a Tea-Tox

Tea-Toxing with Ayurvedic Herbal Waters

As the weather becomes warmer during the cusp between winter and spring, this is a perfect opportunity to cleanse any build-up toxins from the long, cold winter months with an All Dosha Ayurvedic Tea-Tox.

Drinking warm water is already the first step in flushing your body of toxins. To enhance this detoxifying experience, add Ayurvedic spices to the water to reap a variety of benefits including improved digestion.

When water boils, it creates “agni” or “fire” in Ayurveda, and it is this fire that aids in flushing the body of toxins and impurities. Boiling water with special spices causes them to interact together and create a therapeutic effect by changing the water on a molecular level. Hot herbalized water cleanses the body at a rapid rate in comparison to drinking regular water, which typically takes 6 hours to digest whereas hot herbalized water takes approximately 1.5 hours.

As humans, we are 75% water as babies, then our water level decreases slightly to 55-60% water as we become adults. This range accounts for the fact that our muscles contain more water than fat, so the leaner a person is, the more water they contain. Considering a large percentage of us is water, keeping our bodies hydrated is essential. Inner hydration brings oxygen, nutrition, and life to cells and eliminates toxins.

Despite the importance of water consumption, we can easily become dehydrated because the section of our brain that interprets thirst signals also manages our hunger signals. This can cause confusion and results in people commonly mistaking thirst for hunger. Therefore, the best method for determining your hydration is by noting the colour of your urine. Normal urine from a well-hydrated body is a pale star colour or transparent yellow, whereas clear or colourless could indicate overhydration and a loss of minerals and a dark yellow could mean dehydration.

Thirst, however, is nonetheless a great indicator of the need to get more fluids into the body, as well as a mechanism to discover food allergies and intolerances. If you feel thirsty after eating a certain food, your body could be trying to dilute what it perceives as harmful, signaling more fluids are needed to flush it out of the body as quickly as possible.

So next time you believe your body is signaling that you are dehydrated, try out this calming, earthy Ayurvedic tea made with the miraculous seeds of cumin, coriander, and fennel using these simple steps.



  • 2 liters of filtered water

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds

  • 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds

  • 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds


  1. Bring 2 liters of filtered water and all spices to a rolling boil for 15 minutes.

  2. Cool for 15-20 minutes after boiling to allow for steeping to take place.

  3. Seeds will settle to the bottom of the pot when cooled. Drain seeds if desired.

  4. Consume in 24 hours. Great for the entire family and all doshas!